Sunday 2 October 2011

When i said an uphill climb...

Hi folks!
I was prepared to begin the Get Off Your Broom: a Witchy Fitness Challenge yesterday with a little light gardening to kick-off some of that fat-burning. My partner bless him, decided to take me out for the day. Where may you ask? Conwy Castle in Wales!
Several hours later after much climbing & walking of the battlements & i do believe the fitness has got off to a brilliant start. Feel the burn, i most definitely am! LOL

Since i wasn't online yesterday, here are my vital stats if you will.
Hips: 37"
Waist: 35"
Chest: 37"

My weight currently sits at 10st exactly. I would like to be somewhere between 8st6lbs & 9st but knowing my ability to stick to things am not sure i can manage to lose a whole stone in 3months. What i do think is possible is to tone up what i have & if i loise weight while doing so big thumbs up! :)

The worst area which i really wish to say bye-bye too is my tummy. If i manage to even knock 2inches off it i would be chuffed as...well a chuffedy thing.

My plan is as follows:

1) Walk at least 30minutes every day.
2) Yoga at least 2-3 times a week
3) Other regular activity such as gardening, weights & regular sit-ups etc at least 3-5 hours a week.
4) Drink plenty of water
5) Cut out sugary drinks & snacks, replace with healthier alternatives, eg: water, fruit, salad etc
6) cut down on floury items such as bread etc.
7) Constinue to research & put into action anything that may help such as recipes, foods i have avoided through blind-shopping syndrome (ie: throwing in everything i normally buy ignoring what else is available) & any other ideas or tips which could prove useful during the next 3 months.

On a final note: Good luck everyone! We can & will do this! :D

BB, Py xx

PS: Just for any of you who may be interested, here are a couple of photos of my wonderful day in Conwy.


  1. Thank you for the support! I am glad i found your blog and that through the challenge i got to "meet" so many wonderfl people. Best of luck on this journey. Stop by any time you want.
    Brightest blessings.

  2. By the way i forgot to mention that you made a great plan and that this were amazing pictures. I love castles they have a truly enchanting quality.

  3. Oh my goodness!! That place is so beautiful and I can see you worked hard yesterday! I have always wanted to go to England. Also Ireland, Norway, and Scotland too! Good Luck with the challenge, can't wait to see how we all do!! Blessings!

  4. Thank you ladies for your comments. :)
    I have only just started my blog & am happy to meet you both.
    I reckon we will all do well with this challenge.
    I'll be dropping by your blogs often. Best of luck to both of you. Blessings x

  5. Beautiful pictures! You have my best wishes on this big ol' journey we're all taking together.^^ Woo gardening! Love it.
