Monday 10 October 2011

Checking in..i been a bad girl :(

 I'd like to start by saying i started out well, it just fell apart midweek & it my fault entirely. I've been feeling a bit under the weather but i don't think that's a good excuse tbh as i am usually in some pain or another thanks to my neck etc.
I've put 2lb back on. :(
my measurements have stayed the same & i have seriously not done well. Tried to claw it back on saturday by taking a walk around Ironbridge with a friend of mine. We were out from 10am to just past 2pm, so we did plenty of walking. Obviously didn't make that much of a difference though.

Restarted my plan afresh as of this morning since i failed so miserably the latter of last week. Yesterday i was too knackered as i've come down with a cold on top of everything else so i was feeling very sorry for myself.
I've kept my meals healthy & light spread out today. Had fruit with rduced fat creme freiche for breakfast, with an elevenses bar as a snack to tie me over until dinnertime when i had a salad & low-fat yoghurt. My partner did oven cooked chips (slightly healtier option). I rarely have input when its his turn in the kitchen though i must admit he cooks pretty healthy stuff, its just the portion control he's not so good at. lol

I have also done a session of yoga today including the cobra & plank which are both very good poses for the core muscles & stimulating the fat deposits around the tummy. I feel envigorated after a session of yoga so feeling pretty good. :)
I've also dusted off a book i found on bookshelf which i forgot i owned! Bad girl. Its called Garden your way to Health & Fitness. Seeing as my garden is a relative jungle & i need to get fit...seems like a good choice of reading material. I'll let you know what i find. :)

I also need to drink more water. Haven't drunk half as much as i should have.
I'm determined to crack on with everything & make the most of my opportunities. Having read the latest mini-challenge post, i must confess i think i fall down on snacking as boredom eating. I find myself getting fidgety & instead of finding somethign constructive to do i raid the kitchen & comfort eat. Im setting myself a short plan of ideas of what to do when i get fidgety. It is as follows:

1) pick up a book & read for 30minutes (if time allows)

2) do some stretches or turn on some music & do a little dancing (or in my case enthusiastic dancing- badly i might add)

3) search for healthy recipes & plan to make at least one of the newly found dishes in the coming week


ps: I will add some new photos i took while out at Ironbridge when i've had chance to upload them.


  1. I sooo need to work exercise into my day. Ilove the pictures you posted!!

  2. Dancing badly is so much fun when no one is watching of course! I do that in the bathroom where no one can see :) cause it is that bad!! Good luck on your next week. We are all here for you!
