Tuesday 31 January 2012

Pagan Reading List

(Including but not limited to my Witches & Witchcraft Reading List)


Forbidden Rites - Jeanette Ellis

Evolutionary witchcraft - T. Thorn.Coyle

The Real Witches Coven - Kate West

The Path Through The Labyrinth - Marian Green

Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads - Sorita d'Este

Nocturnal Witchcraft - Konstantinos

Singing the Soul Back Home - Caitlin Matthews

The History of Witchcraft & Demonolgy - Montague Summers

The Healing Craft - Janet & Stewart Farrah & Gavin Bone


The Way of Wyrd - Brian Bates

The Gift #1st Book of Pelinor - Alison Croggon

Transformation #1st of the Rai-Kirah - Carol Berg

Heaven's Net Is Wide - Liam Hearn

Gunnerkrigg Court #Volume 1: Orientation - Thomas Siddell

Alchemy - Maureen Duffy

The Princess of Flames - Ru Emerson

Spirit Fox - Mickey Rucker Zeichert &

Sea Priestess #1st - Dion Fortune

Moon Magic #2nd- Dion Fortune

High Magic's Aid - Gerald Gardner

Shadows at Stonewylde #4th - Kit Berry

Firethorn - Sarah Micklem

Thornyhold - Mary Stewart

Practical Magic - Alice Hoffman

Witch Child - Celia Reese

Witchfire at Lammas - Robert Neill

Red-headed Stepchild #1st - Jaye Wells

Water Witches - Chris Bohjalian

Monday 30 January 2012

My Witches & Witchcraft Reading List


Forbidden Rites - Jeanette Ellis

Evolutionary witchcraft - T. Thorn.Coyle

The Real Witches Coven - Kate West

The Path Through The Labyrinth - Marian Green

Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads - Sorita d'Este

Nocturnal Witchcraft - Konstantinos

The History of Witchcraft & Demonolgy - Montague Summers

The Healing Craft - Janet & Stewart Farrah & Gavin Bone


Sea Priestess #1st - Dion Fortune

Moon Magic #2nd- Dion Fortune

High Magic's Aid - Gerald Gardner

Shadows at Stonewylde #4th - Kit Berry

Firethorn - Sarah Micklem

Thornyhold - Mary Stewart

Practical Magic - Alice Hoffman

Witch Child - Celia Reese

Witchfire at Lammas - Robert Neill

Red-headed Stepchild #1st - Jaye Wells

Water Witches - Chris Bohjalian

more to come, there's a huge pile of book collecting dust on the bookcase that i've yet to get through. will list them all as & when i can.

Witches Lantern - social networking

My new site started very recently. Open to all pagans & like-minded folk.
Everything from discussion forums to chatroom & newsfeed.
Join up today for free & get chatting.
Blessings, Pythia xx

Witches Lantern - social networking

Saturday 7 January 2012

A bad witch's blog: Rare BBC Film: The Power of the Witch

I just came across this blog & thought this was a must-see.

A bad witch's blog: Rare BBC Film: The Power of the Witch: A rare BBC documentary about witchcraft, shown just once on UK television in 1971, has come to light and been featured on the website Danger...